textures/bubctf1/bubctf1_skybox { qer_editorimage textures/bubctf1/bubctf1_view.tga surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm sky q3map_lightsubdivide 256 q3map_surfacelight 42 q3map_globaltexture q3map_sun 0.419608 0.34902 0.270588 210 42 33 skyParms env/bubctf1/bubctf1 128 - } textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1 { q3map_lightimage textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1.blend.tga surfaceparm nodamage q3map_surfacelight 100 { map textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1_fx.tga rgbGen identity tcMod scroll 0 3 } { map textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1.blend.tga blendfunc add rgbGen wave triangle 0.2 2 1 2 } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1r { q3map_lightimage textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1.blendr.tga surfaceparm nodamage q3map_surfacelight 100 { map textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1_fxr.tga rgbGen identity tcMod scroll 0 3 } { map textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1r.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map textures/bubctf1/e8_launchpad1.blendr.tga blendfunc add rgbGen wave triangle 0.2 2 1 2 } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } //changed the order of the mapping // so it doesn't look like shit // in vertex lighting 2-20-2007 dmn_clown textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02 { q3map_lightimage textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02_fx.tga surfaceparm nodamage polygonoffset q3map_surfacelight 200 { map textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02.tga rgbGen identity } { map textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02_fx.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate 360 tcMod stretch sin 1 0.8 1 0.4 } { map textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } //changed the order of the mapping // so it doesn't look like shit // in vertex lighting 2-20-2007 dmn_clown textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02r { q3map_lightimage textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02_fxr.tga surfaceparm nodamage polygonoffset q3map_surfacelight 200 { map textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02r.tga rgbGen identity } { map textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02_fxr.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate 360 tcMod stretch sin 1 0.8 1 0.4 } { map textures/bubctf1/e8_jumppad02r.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/evil8_lights/e8btrimlight { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8btrimlight.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8btrimlight.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 250 { map textures/evil8_lights/e8btrimlight.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8btrimlight.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/ctf/blue_telep { q3map_lightimage textures/effects/jumpcircblue.tga surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans cull disable q3map_surfacelight 455 { clampmap textures/effects/jumpcircblue.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate 46 } { clampmap textures/effects/jumpcircblue.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate -80 tcMod stretch sin 0.6 -0.3 0 0.5 } { clampmap textures/effects/jumpcircblue.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate -80 tcMod stretch sin 0.5 0.3 0 0.5 } } textures/ctf/red_telep { q3map_lightimage textures/effects/jumpcircred.tga surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans cull disable q3map_surfacelight 455 { clampmap textures/effects/jumpcircred.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate 46 } { clampmap textures/effects/jumpcircred.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate -80 tcMod stretch sin 0.6 -0.3 0 0.5 } { clampmap textures/effects/jumpcircred.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate -80 tcMod stretch sin 0.5 0.3 0 0.5 } } textures/bubctf1/weapfloor_red { cull disable { clampmap textures/flares/largeglow.tga blendfunc add rgbGen const ( 0.85098 0.701961 0.701961 ) tcMod rotate -40 } { clampmap textures/flares/wide.tga blendfunc add rgbGen const ( 1 0 0 ) tcMod rotate 42 tcMod stretch sin 1 0.1 0 1 } } textures/bubctf1/weapfloor_blue { cull disable { clampmap textures/flares/largeglow.tga blendfunc add rgbGen const ( 0.705882 0.717647 0.847059 ) tcMod rotate -40 } { clampmap textures/flares/wide.tga blendfunc add rgbGen const ( 0 0 1 ) tcMod rotate 42 tcMod stretch sin 1 0.1 0 1 } } textures/ctf_unified/ta_techspawn_blue { cull disable { clampmap textures/flares/largeglow.tga blendfunc add rgbGen const ( 0.705882 0.717647 0.847059 ) tcMod rotate -40 } { clampmap textures/flares/wide.tga blendfunc add rgbGen const ( 0 0 1 ) tcMod rotate 42 tcMod stretch sin 1 0.1 0 1 } } textures/ctf_unified/ta_techspawn_red { cull disable { clampmap textures/flares/largeglow.tga blendfunc add rgbGen const ( 0.85098 0.701961 0.701961 ) tcMod rotate -40 } { clampmap textures/flares/wide.tga blendfunc add rgbGen const ( 1 0 0 ) tcMod rotate 42 tcMod stretch sin 1 0.1 0 1 } } textures/bubctf1/weapfloor_neutral { cull disable { clampmap textures/flares/largeglow.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate -40 } { clampmap textures/flares/wide.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate 42 tcMod stretch sin 1 0.1 0 1 } } textures/base_light/baslt4_1_2k { qer_editorimage textures/base_light/xlight5.blend.tga q3map_lightimage textures/base_light/xlight5.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 250 { map textures/base_light/xlight5.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/base_light/xlight5.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_lights/e8trimlight { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8trimlight.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8trimlight.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 250 { map textures/evil8_lights/e8trimlight.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8trimlight.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_floor/e8warn2steplight { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_floor/e8warn2steplight.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_floor/e8warn2steplight.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 250 { map textures/evil8_floor/e8warn2steplight.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8warn2steplight.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_floor/e8minitrimlight { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8minitrimlight.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8minitrimlight.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 250 { map textures/evil8_lights/e8minitrimlight.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8minitrimlight.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_fx/e8_jumppad02 { q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_fx/e8_jumppad02_fx.tga surfaceparm metalsteps q3map_surfacelight 100 { map textures/evil8_fx/e8_jumppad02.tga // blendfunc add rgbGen identity } { map textures/evil8_fx/e8_jumppad02_fx.tga blendfunc add tcMod rotate 360 tcMod stretch sin 1 0.8 1 0.4 } { map textures/evil8_fx/e8_jumppad02.tga blendfunc add rgbGen identity } { map textures/evil8_fx/e8_jumppad02.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb2 { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb2.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb2.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 450 q3map_flare flareShader { map textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb2.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb2.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 450 { map textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlightb.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_lights/evil8_rlight { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlight.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlight.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 950 q3map_flare flareShader { map textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlight.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8_rlight.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 950 { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2 { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 950 { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2b { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2b.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2b.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 950 { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2b.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tmtllight2b.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_grate/e8xgirder_small2 { cull disable { map textures/evil8_grate/e8xgirder_small2.tga rgbGen identity depthWrite alphaFunc GE128 } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap depthFunc equal } } textures/evil8_fx/e8alphaspawn { surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans surfaceparm pointlight { map textures/evil8_fx/e8alphaspawn.tga blendfunc add rgbGen Vertex } } textures/evil8_fx/e8yarrow { surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans surfaceparm pointlight { map textures/evil8_fx/e8yarrow.tga blendfunc add rgbGen Vertex } } textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_static { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 400 { map textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_glow { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 400 { map textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim.blend.tga blendfunc add rgbGen wave sawtooth 0.2 1 1 0.2 } } textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_b_static { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_b.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 400 { map textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_b.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_b.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_b_glow { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_b.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 400 { map textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_b.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8lighttrim_b.blend.tga blendfunc add rgbGen wave sawtooth 0.2 1 1 0.2 } } textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02 { q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02_fx.tga surfaceparm metalsteps q3map_surfacelight 100 { map textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02_fx.tga rgbGen identity tcMod rotate 760 } { map textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02b { q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02_fx.tga surfaceparm metalsteps q3map_surfacelight 100 { map textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02_fx.tga rgbGen identity tcMod rotate 760 } { map textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02b.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02c { q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02_fx.tga surfaceparm metalsteps q3map_surfacelight 100 { map textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02_fx.tga rgbGen identity tcMod rotate 760 } { map textures/evil8_fx/e8jumpspawn02c.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/evil8_fx/e8_launchpad1 { q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_fx/e8_launchpad1.blend.tga surfaceparm metalsteps q3map_surfacelight 100 { map textures/evil8_fx/e8_launchpad1_fx.tga rgbGen identity tcMod scroll 0 3 } { map textures/evil8_fx/e8_launchpad1.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map textures/evil8_fx/e8_launchpad1.blend.tga blendfunc add rgbGen wave triangle 0.2 2 1 2 } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/evil8_fx/e8red_dcl { surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans surfaceparm pointlight { map textures/evil8_fx/e8red_dcl.tga blendfunc add rgbGen Vertex } } textures/evil8_fx/e8blue_dcl { surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans surfaceparm pointlight { map textures/evil8_fx/e8blue_dcl.tga blendfunc add rgbGen Vertex } } textures/evil8_grate/e8xgirder { surfaceparm alphashadow surfaceparm metalsteps surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans cull disable nopicmip { map textures/evil8_grate/e8xgirder.tga rgbGen identity depthWrite alphaFunc GE128 } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap depthFunc equal } } textures/evil8_grate/e8xgirder_small { cull disable { map textures/evil8_grate/e8xgirder_small.tga rgbGen identity depthWrite alphaFunc GE128 } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap depthFunc equal } } textures/evil8_trim/e8mtltrim2 { surfaceparm alphashadow surfaceparm metalsteps surfaceparm trans cull disable { map textures/evil8_trim/e8mtltrim2.tga rgbGen identity depthWrite alphaFunc GE128 } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap depthFunc equal } } textures/evil8_trim/e8wrntrim2 { surfaceparm alphashadow surfaceparm metalsteps surfaceparm trans cull disable { map textures/evil8_trim/e8wrntrim2.tga rgbGen identity depthWrite alphaFunc GE128 } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap depthFunc equal } } textures/evil8_trim/e8mtltrim2 { surfaceparm alphashadow surfaceparm metalsteps surfaceparm trans cull disable { map textures/evil8_trim/e8mtltrim2.tga rgbGen identity depthWrite alphaFunc GE128 } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap depthFunc equal } } textures/evil8_grate/e8bgrate01 { surfaceparm alphashadow surfaceparm metalsteps cull disable { map textures/evil8_grate/e8bgrate01.tga rgbGen identity depthWrite alphaFunc GE128 } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap depthFunc equal } } textures/evil8_fx/e8rail { surfaceparm alphashadow cull disable nomipmaps { map textures/evil8_fx/e8rail.tga rgbGen identity depthWrite alphaFunc GE128 } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap depthFunc equal } } textures/evil8_fx/e8icon_red { surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans cull disable { map textures/evil8_fx/e8icon_red.tga blendfunc add rgbGen wave triangle 0.2 0.5 0 0.2 } } textures/evil8_fx/e8icon_blue { surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans cull disable { map textures/evil8_fx/e8icon_blue.tga blendfunc add rgbGen wave triangle 0.2 0.5 0 0.2 } } //doesn't work right, please edit as you see fit textures/evil8_fx/e8scuffs1 { surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans cull disable qer_trans 0.4 { map textures/evil8_fx/e8scuffs1.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen Vertex depthWrite } } textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_red { surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans { map textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_red.tga blendfunc add rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_blue { surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans { map textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_blue.tga blendfunc add rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_red_fade { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_red.tga surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans cull disable { map textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_red.tga blendfunc add rgbGen wave triangle 0.2 0.5 0 0.5 } } textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_blue_fade { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_blue.tga surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans cull disable { map textures/evil8_fx/e8circle_blue.tga blendfunc add rgbGen wave triangle 0.2 0.5 0 0.5 } } textures/evil8_fx/e8spawn01b { { map textures/sfx/proto_zzztblu2.tga rgbGen identity tcMod turb 0 0.5 0 9.6 tcMod scale 2 2 tcMod scroll 9 5 } { map textures/evil8_fx/e8spawn01b.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/evil8_trim/e8trim_bluefx { q3map_lightimage textures/e8trim/evil8_trimfx_b.tga q3map_surfacelight 100 { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trim_bluefx.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trimfx_b.tga blendfunc add tcMod scroll -2 0 } } textures/evil8_trim/e8trim_redfx { q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_trim/e8trimfx_r.tga q3map_surfacelight 100 { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trim_redfx.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trimfx_r.tga blendfunc add tcMod scroll -2 0 } } //not for public release :P textures/evil8_fx/e8evilspacetxt { surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans surfaceparm pointlight { map textures/evil8_fx/e8evilspacetxt.tga blendfunc add rgbGen Vertex } } textures/evil8_lights/e8tinylight { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8tinylight.tga q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_lights/e8tinylight.blend.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 950 { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tinylight.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tinylight.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_lights/e8tinylightblue { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_lights/e8tinylightblue.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 950 q3map_flare flareShader { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tinylightblue.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_lights/e8tinylightblue.blend.tga blendfunc add } } textures/evil8_fx/e8beam { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_fx/e8beam.tga surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm trans cull disable qer_trans 0.6 { map textures/evil8_fx/e8beam.tga blendfunc add tcMod scroll 0.3 0 } } textures/evil8_fx/e8beam_blue { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_fx/e8beam_blue.tga surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm trans cull disable qer_trans 0.6 { map textures/evil8_fx/e8beam_blue.tga blendfunc add tcMod scroll 0.3 0 } } textures/evil8_base/e8metal03c_shiney { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_base/e8metal03c.tga { map textures/effects/tinfx.tga rgbGen identity tcGen environment } { map textures/evil8_base/e8metal03c.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/evil8_base/e8metal_blue_shiney { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_base/e8metal_blue.tga { map textures/effects/tinfx.tga rgbGen identity tcGen environment } { map textures/evil8_base/e8metal_blue.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } textures/evil8_base/e8metal_red_shiney { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_base/e8metal_red.tga { map textures/effects/tinfx.tga rgbGen identity tcGen environment } { map textures/evil8_base/e8metal_red.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_one_minus_dst_alpha rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } } //broken shader D:? textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight { q3map_lightimage textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight_fx.tga q3map_surfacelight 100 { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight_fx.tga blendfunc add tcMod scroll -2 0 } } textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight2_blue { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight2_blue.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 400 q3map_flare flareShader { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight2_blue.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight2_blue.blend.tga blendfunc add tcMod scroll -0.7 0 } } textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight2_red { qer_editorimage textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight2_red.tga surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 400 q3map_flare flareShader { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight2_red.tga } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_trim/e8trimlight2_red.blend.tga blendfunc add tcMod scroll -0.7 0 } } //===========================// //=======floor sounds========// //===========================// textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor01 { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor01.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor03 { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor03.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04 { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } { map textures/detail/d_conc.tga blendfunc gl_dst_color gl_src_color tcMod scale 4 4 } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04_blue { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04_blue.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04_red { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04_red.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04b { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04b.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04warn { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04warn.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04warn2 { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor04warn2.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor05 { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor05.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor05b { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor05b.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor05c { surfaceparm metalsteps { map $lightmap rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } { map textures/evil8_floor/e8clangfloor05c.tga blendfunc filter rgbGen identity } } textures/dsi/weapspawn01 { surfaceparm nomarks surfaceparm trans surfaceparm pointlight nopicmip polygonoffset { clampmap textures/dsi/weapspawn01.tga blendfunc add rgbGen Vertex tcMod rotate 45 } { map textures/dsi/weapspawn01_glow.tga blendfunc add rgbGen Vertex } } textures/dsi/dsiglass { qer_editorimage textures/dsi/dsiglass.tga surfaceparm trans cull disable qer_trans 0.5 { map textures/effects/tinfx.tga blendfunc add rgbGen identity tcGen environment } { map $lightmap blendfunc filter rgbGen identity tcGen lightmap } }